M - P
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Page 3 Index:
M | N | O |
- [mass destruction]
Hi I'm busy doing massive destruction, terrorizing large
cities, and putting millions of people in therapy. Leave a message and I will
get back to you as soon as possible.
[contributed by moongrl@tampabay.rr.com]
- [macking pizza]
I'm macking pizza, yeah that's right..macking. I was like,
'yo baby, you wanna share dat cheese sweetie', and it was all like,
'...'(because pizza can't talk of course), and then I sorta got depressed
because I was trying to mack on a pizza...now we're arguing...I should be
back in a minute.
[contributed by Justin]
- [madlib]
Try this mad lib!
Hello, __________ I want to ________ you with a ______________ in
the ____________ for ____________ cents. Will you proceed to
Please stop ______________________ with that sharp looking
________________________. Oh yes,
The end.
[contributed by iwag64@ aol.com]
- [mass murder]
I am out on a mass murder right now. Leave your name, number, and address, and
I'll kill you -- I mean, callyou -- as soon as possible.
[contributed by anonymous]
- [momma don't allow]
Momma don't allow no aboveground nuclear testing 'round here
Momma don't allow no aboveground nuclear testing 'round here
Well we don't care what Momma don't allow-
*sound of explosion*
~The Austin Lounge Lizards- Momma Don't Allow
[contributed by drama_queen2357@ hotmail.com]
- [monster]
You are going to be eaten by a big hairy monster. Have a nice day!
[contributed by Ariana]
- [namaqueland]
hey yall. whats up? well it seems that the hottentots from namaqueland have
taken over my house. they split my head open and are simmering my head over a
low flame with barbeque sauce. yum! they tried my brother, but his head was too
big and hard. dammit. pardon meeh while i stuff my brains back in my head.
[contributed by Ziggy]
- [ni]
I am out looking for a shrubbery. Will be back soon.
[contributed by drama_queen2357@ hotmail.com]
- [not busy]
I'm not busy, you just suck.
[contributed by Ziggy]
- [not too far]
I'm away right now. But I'm not too far away. So if you put your face real close
to the screen and scream real loud I just might hear ya.
No? Well, I'll be back eventually...
[contributed by Elizabeth]
- [NSA]
You have reached the NSA early warning hotline. Since you are not supposed to
know this number, an ominous, black utility van with a generic small business
logo will soon be parked near your home for closer observations on your daily
activity. Please leave a message, and have a nice day. :-)
[contributed by Leland]
- [numbers]
Press 1 if you like me
Press 2 if you hate me
Press 3 if you're mad at me
If you have a shrine with pix of me on your dresser, press "I am a
gothic freakazoid"
If you want to be my boyfriend, forget pressing numbers; IM ME.
[contributed by flyingeagle30@ earthlink.net]
- [ogre]
Me not here. Me go bye. Leave me message. Me reply.
[contributed by wsupsm@ msn.com]
- [ouch..]
::You see a small pool of blood and flesh..::
[contributed by fearfuldreams@ aol.com]
- [padded room]
The people in the white coats have come to take me now. If you wish to speak
with me, please leave a message with my nurse, and I will get back to you as
soon as I finish my therapy in the padded room.
[contributed by Ariana]
- [party]
I'm sorry, I'm busy partying in the Moshe Pit in my head. Leave me a message.
If you would like to join me, press 2 and I will
shrink you into my head to join me. Bring your own beer.
Just stay away from the drunk Rabid Reindeer.
He gets feisty when he drinks!
[contributed by centerofworld@ hotmail.com]
- [pen]
I'm actually here, but I can't send any messages because my stupid pen
won't write on the screen. I need a new pen. Do you have one?
[contributed by drama_queen2357@ hotmail.com]
- [playing game]
I am not available because I am playing a computer game that takes up the
whole screen. Is that just the stupidest automated away message you have ever
heard or what?
[contributed by blinksalterego@ hotmail.com]
- [playstation]
Y'know those playstation ads that say "Live in your world, play in ours"?
well... i think i'm having a problem with that.... Or I fell asleep
watching Digimon reruns again *shrugs* well, either way I'll tell you how
it works out.
[contributed by ryo_ohki_meowmeow@ yahoo.com]
- [poptart]
I am out collecting sprinkles for my breakfasty self.
- [psychiatric]
Welcome to the Psychiatric Hotline!
- If you are obsessive-compulsive, press 1 repeatedly.
- If you have multiple personalities, press 2, 3 and 4.
- If you are manic-depressive, it doesn't matter what number you press. Nobody will answer.
- If you are paranoid delusional, we know who you are AND we are out to get you. Just stay on the
line while we trace your call.
- If you are anal retentive, press 1, 5, 6, 8 and the # simultaneously, while standing on one
foot and hopping.
[This one isn't mine.. but I never knew who the original author was.]
- [porcelain god]
keep your pants on... please, no one needs to see that. i'll be back soon after
ive finished my sacrifices to the white porcelain god.
[contributed by Lazarustears@ yahoo.com]
- [potato]
I am in an intellectual discussion with a potato. Soon I'll be so caught up
in whether it was Descartes or Voltaire who first advocated empiricism, that
it will fail to strike me as a bit odd that the potato knows much of
anything about 17th-century French philosophers. In fact, it knows more
about them than I do. Later, that will probably irritate me.... I'll be
[contributed by gracieh@ mags.net]
- [priceless]
Halloween costume:
Red Contacts: $15:00
The look of fear and impending doom on your party guest's faces when they realize that you
really are the devil and will take
their souls...
[contributed by jen@legal-one.com]
- [primordial soup]
OH MY GOD! The people back in primordial soup-ish times need my help!
::yells:: I'M COMING SOUP PEOPLE....and I'm bringing....::people gasp:: my
chicken....::chicken clucks in the distance:: I'll be back as soon as I'm
finished...::chicken runs away:: Hey....WAAAAAAAAAIT! ooooh....my
chicken...::sobs:: ::gun shot:: ::thud:: ::dies::
[contributed by Elizabeth]
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