eesh... What do you want from me, a survey?? :P
I'm really just testing your endurance. Or your boredom. I'm annoying like that.
Some more not-so-interesting facts:
- I'm attending Ringling School of Art and Design for Illustration.
- I work at a movie theater. ^_^
- I'm an Aquarian (fixed air!) and I love astrology / rune stones / tarot cards. I also read tarot cards and rune stones for people (who ask nicely), whenever I have time.
- My mother is actually my closest friend. :P
- I'm bi-sexual, and I like role-playing men more than women (for no particular reason).
- My most ridiculous role-playing character was a Malkavian who accidentally got himself turned into an evil poptart.
- Oh. By the way. I love role-playing.
- I especially love DMing / GMing / STing. My stories are really kind of dark and sadistic, and I have a tendency to make all my players call me "evil" at one point or another.
- My website started on angelfire, and has been called anything from "My Voice" to "Frosted Menagerie" to "Master of PuppetZ" [with the cheesy capitalized Z, yes]. But I finally just settled on "Muted Faith."
[Still bored enough to keep reading?
Well by all means, click the button.]