Life exerts itself against me, and this body pushes through the currents in a struggle for something yet unattainable. Spirits filter around me in a soft sea of ever-flowing calm. Because I am human, I hate, I love, I fear. My mind is corrupted with spider webs, lost on dewdrop prisms of nature's perfect circle and spun inside a coccoon of solitude. When I stare, I stare beyond the lines of sight, into an ethereal sensation of light. When nature inspires, I study, I write, I understand. Calm peace wraps my soul, though the toils of this world are hard against my mortal heart. Something wonderful drips from my fingertips, presses sensations to glittering images and guilty words. Emotional logic, I think, I feel, I watch. I have talked to my soul, met my twin, loved more passionately, hated more deeply than any could imagine. I have hurt and been hurt, loved and been loved, tortured myself and others, broken hearts and mended broken hearts, given all I had and taken all I could. I am complete and incomplete, sad and disappointed, happy and content. I am a paradox of paradox, a bitter union of bliss and desperation, a dark past and a bright future collided into the myriad droplets of present. This is my magic pool.. My pleasure and my pain, my hope and my fear. I am nothing more than I am, and I am everything I can be. I am more alive today than ever I have felt, even though this life is killing me.
[ Well that's just great.. |