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What forms has Dominick taken?
Okay. I'd like to say first of all that this is incredibly embarrassing. For me and for him. :paranoid:
The first drawings here are from when I was 12. I tried to keep a vague evolution going on, so it's roughly from beginning to now. Keep in mind this is by no means a comprehensive scrapbook. This is stuff from about 3 sketchbooks and a few pages of the comic. You can see about 100 more pages of him in Wicked Alchemy, and I'd have to go through at least 20 more sketchbooks to get a good enough collection to call it 'comprehensive.'
Can you say obsess-much? :paranoid:
ANYwho. This is basically just to give you an idea of Dominick, who he is and where he's been. Which is really hard, since he's constantly changing, and he likes to play the enigma.
Also, he has many nicknames and other names: Dommie, Domler, Domino, Dominus, Demisze, Lirec, Shadom, Calios ... others I can't remember...
And he has three basic forms: Auran (the blonde kid), normal (most of the above), and something monstrous that I can only label his 'shadow form.'
... I think that's it. xD I'll probably update this as time goes on, or if I ever manage to scan in the rest of my sketchbooks.